I'm thankful for so much in my life. Everyone has their trials and hardships but I know that ones character is shaped by these and God leads us through.
We have this magnificent, beautiful child that came to us through adoption. It was a 7 year journey through infertility and the hurdles and uncertainty of international adoption but the blessings of Connor can't be expressed in words. He healed us from our heartache - God healed us.
I'm thankful for Connor's hugs and those out of the blue "I love you's".
I'm thankful for his smiles, laughter and silliness.
I'm thankful for those oh so kissable cheeks.
I'm thankful for his singing.
I'm thankful for his mischeivious-ness and grumpiness too!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Costa Rica-- Our Last Day in Alajuela
7 years ago